
Getting in the groove of things ...

Yep, today was the first day back to work. I wasn't sure if I would work today since it was the first day back from work but God blessed me with work. And a half day, at that. Such a nice way to get back in the groove of things. I subbed for a class that I've had four times already. It was so nice to know the students and how they behave. And they were so good, too! It really helps when students know their subs and they were excited to see me. Best part of the day!

Tomorrow I embark on Kindergarten (again). Last time I subbed for Kindergarten I had the class from Hades! They were holy terrors and that's putting it lightly. I'm trusting in God that tomorrow's class will NOT be anything like that one. I also found out that my name is in the "pot" for a 9 day subbing position. I know it's not too long-term but it's a start. I would have the same class for 9 days in a row and know for 9 days in a row exactly where I would be going! How marvelous!

So in class today, I started a unit in science about space and the teacher had me create a KWL chart with the students. One student raised his hand and informed me that he knew exactly how many stars were in space. You ready for this? There are ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGHT stars in space. Yep, that's it. Haha. I asked him if we could write that space has many, many stars instead of writing an exact number and he respond, "by all means." :) I love it!

My permanent position is coming. I am believing that and claiming it! Thank you, Lord!

For now, I will continue to listen to Paramore: Decode. Goodnight!


Emerly Sue said...

I will pray that you get that spot!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. It was great to see you there.

I will keep my fingers crossed for the full time position for you!

Rachel and Matt said...

so glad to hear that you've been getting at least something! i miss you and praying foryou. keep up the updates!
