
Indeed it happened ...

... I forgot all about this thing. I am terrible.

I just finished with my last day of college classes, forever. Well, until I decided to go back and receive my Masters which after this past week and the work load I've been trudging through might be never. And I'm fine with that! Until I get restless and want something more for my life.

I am also sitting at work, which will be all over tomorrow as well. Next semester will be a new adventure with nothing old in it. No school work, no campus job, no InterVarsity. Just new-ness. My feelings on this are more like an Oreo. On the surface level, I am jumping for joy and am nearly on the brink of tears I am so excited. In the middle I am rather surreal and unsure about what to expect. I have grown rather used to syllabi, assignments, and lectures. Then if you go even deeper, I am back to jumping for joy. So there you have it, my future plans is an Oreo.

Today at lunch it was brought up that even teachers are having a hard time finding jobs due to the economy. Is this even possible? I thought teachers and nurses were the two more guaranteed jobs in our society. While everyone else was stressing and complaining, I heard this reassuring voice, "I will take care of you. Trust Me." As much as I get stressed out about things and overworked, I really am not as stressed compared to others. Over the semester I have slowly been learning what it means to be Christian in this demanding, time consuming, stressful society. I know I still have a long way to go before I stop crying endlessly over tiny details like notebook cover sheets and ribbon for wedding programs but today, I took a small step toward that relaxing, peaceful, joyful life God promises us. I heard Him speak that gentle, loving thought to me and I knew it was God and I just kept right on eating my peanut butter sandwich while everyone else's blood pressure began to rise at the thought of being jobless come August.

1 comment:

Emerly Sue said...

You keep on eating your pb sandwich, girl. and make me eat one with you!
